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COVAB in capacity building engagement on Human Capital Development.

CoVAB’s Human Capital Development Project held a five-day capacity building training at Esella Hotel, Kira to equip the project’s staff and protégé with knowledge and skills in product value chain industrialization. During the workshop which ran from 24th to 28th July 2023 staff and Protégé were imparted with knowledge on commercialization of an innovative product, […]

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COVAB Summer School 2023 Commences

The College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB) in collaboration with Michigan State University is hosting the 2023 summer school with the participation of 24 students. The students from Michigan State University and Virginia Tech University will be involved in a number of activities during their one month stay in the country. Prof. […]

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Researchers Embark on A Cross-Disciplinary Alliance to Identify, PREdict and prePARe for Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases (PREPARE4VBD)

Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) constitute a major challenge facing African healthcare systems and economies today. But vector-borne diseases also increasingly pose a threat to Europe, as novel outbreaks of VBDs of both animals and humans, along with an increased spread of invasive vectors, is anticipated to occur more frequently in the future. Globalization, climatic and environmental […]

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The Black Fly Insect Larvae Enterprise for COVID-19 Livelihood Resilience Project Launched at CoVAB

The College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB) in Collaboration with Michigan State University has embarked on upscaling the use of the Black Fly Larvae as a source of insect protein for animal production. An awareness session was convened at the college on Monday 20th February 2023, attended by stakeholders that included the […]

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CoVAB’s best graduands receive Academic Excellence Awards during the 73rd Graduation Ceremony

Star graduating students from The College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity(CoVAB) received awards from the Norbrook Veterinary Academic Excellence Award 2023 and the Academic Excellence Awards for Scholars of the MasterCard Foundation Scholars program at Makerere University. The Best Veterinary Medicine Students receive a dummy check from the Chancellor, Prof. Ezra Suruma The […]

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COVAB presents a fresh Vision for Veterinary training in Uganda.

The College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB) is proposing a policy shift in Veterinary training from the focus on animal welfare to the promotion of Industrial Veterinary Education, Science, Technology, Innovation and Medical Services. The proposed policy shift will help re-orient Uganda’s animal sector education to a holistic Industrial Value-chains Veterinary Education, […]

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Makerere University’s Master Card Foundation Scholars eLearning Initiative introduced to CoVAB staff.

Staff at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB) have been introduced to the Master Card Foundation Scholars eLearning Initiative, during the onboarding meeting held at the college Friday 13th January 2023. A team led by Prof. Paul Birevu Muyinda Head, Department of Open and Distance Learning, in the School of Distance […]

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Antimicrobial Awareness Resistance Awareness Week

Story by Joseph Odoi Assoc. Prof. Lawrence Mugisha  from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio Security (CoVAB), Makerere University has cautioned the general public on self-medication and  misuse of drugs. This call comes at a time when microbial infections are becoming increasingly resistant to available drugs under the scientific phenomenon known as Antimicrobial […]

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