Department of Wildlife and Aquatic Animal Resources (WAAR)

Courses in the department.

  • Bachelor of wildlife health and management (BWHM)
  • Master of wildlife health and management (MWHM)
  • PhD Wildlife Health and management

Head of Department.

Dr. Sarah Nalule – HOD WAAR

Academic Staff in the Department.

Prof. Michael Ocaido Professor
Dr. John Bosco Nizeyi Associate Professor
Dr. Sarah Nalule (HoD) Senior Lecturer
Dr. David Kahwa Senior Lecturer
Dr. Celsus Sente Lecturer
Dr. Irene Naigaga Lecturer
Dr. Robert Senfuma Lecturer
Dr. Lawrence Mugisha Associate Professor
Mr. John Bosco Amuno Assistant Lecturer
Dr. Joelia Nasaka Assistant Lecturer
Dr. Bob Mali Lecturer


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    +12 (0) 345 678 9